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Quick Action (Custom buttons)

This article was last updated in August 2024.


Quick Action widget is an interactive user interface element that provides quick access to key functions or actions without having to open additional settings. This widget is placed on the main map screen and allows you to simplify and speed up interaction with the application, making it more convenient and efficient.

Quick action widget

Quick Action Widget​

Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Custom buttons β†’ Quick action

Quick action widget_android

In order to use the Quick Action button you need to enable this widget first.

Add and Delete Actions​

Android Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Custom buttons β†’ Quick action β†’ Tap Delete (Bin icon on the right top corner) β†’ Select actions

Quick action widget_android_add Custom button Android

All actions are organized in the Add Action menu and grouped by type. A complete list with actions and their descriptions can be found in the Action types section.

You can assign one or more actions to the quick action button. There are 2 ways to add actions.

  • In the Configure screen - Select a button from the list, tap theΒ  "οΌ‹" Β button. You need to select the action type first, and then change its name and parameters.
  • In the quick action button panel - Tap the Quick Action button on the map screen. At the end of the list, on the latest screen in the panel, is the "οΌ‹" Β Add Action box. Tap it and select an action from the list of types.
  • Each action must have a unique name.
  • Screens 1, 2, and others are created automatically when the number of actions in the list increases to 6 items.

Action Parameters​

Quick action widget_android_order

The actions assigned to a button are divided into Screens. These screens, 1, 2 and others, are created automatically when the number of actions in the list increases to 6 items. You can group the actions in an order that is convenient for you. To change the order of items, you need to:

  • Android. Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Custom buttons β†’ Quick action β†’ Hold & Drag
    Select an up or down action using the icon (three vertical lines) in the list.

  • Android. Open Quick action menu β†’ long tap Add action β†’ Hold & Drag
    Select an up or down action using the icon (three vertical lines) in the list.

  • iOS. Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Quick action β†’ Click Edit (Pencil icon) β†’ Hold & Drag
    Select an up or down action using the icon (three vertical lines) in the list β†’ Done.

Actions in Loop​

Custom button Android

For some actions, you can assign a list of layers that will change in a circle with each tap.

  • Map source
  • Map style
  • Overlay
  • Underlay
  • Terrain color scheme
  • Add profile

The button allows you to assign a single layer or a list of layers that change circularly when tapped or with an interim dialog.

  • Show an interim dialog: displays dialog with maps list
  • Do not show an interim dialog: map sources will be changed by defined order.

Change Position on the Map​

When enabled, the quick action widget is located in the lower right corner above the zoom buttons. It can be moved to any part of the screen with a long press and drag.

First appearingQuick action widget_view
Long tap and movingQuick action widget_tap
New placeQuick action widget_move
Several Custom buttons on the map screenQuick action widget_move

Custom buttons​

Menu β†’ Configure screen β†’ Buttons β†’ Custom buttons β†’Β  "οΌ‹" Β β†’ Add button

Custom button Android

Custom buttons are additional buttons on the map that act the same as Quick Action button. You can create a button with one or more actions and display it on the map screen. Custom buttons are located in the Configure screen β†’ Buttons β†’ Custom buttons list. Each button has a profile independent actions list and should have a unique Name, however button could be switched on/off individually for each profile.

All available actions are identical to those that can be applied to the default quick action. Custom buttons could be a special Single-action button, so they will apply immediately once clicked without extra menu.

Action Types​

Configure Map​

Show / Hide
You can select route types to enable or disable their display.
Some routes have additional settings. By default, if you have not selected anything in the Configure Map menu, the first route type from the list will be assigned, otherwise a type of your choice will be assigned. You can read more in the Routes article.
- Cycle routes Β (Route, Node networks)
- Mountain bike routes Β (MTB scale, IMBA)
- Hiking routes Β (OSMC, Network affiliation, Node networks)
- Hiking trails difficulty grade Β (SAC scale, CAI scale)
- Ski slopes
- Horse routes
- Whitewater sports
- Running routes
- Fitness trails
- Travel routes Β (Tracks, Travelbooks, Points)
Show / Hide
Topography layers
All topography data is presented as separate map layers. You can quickly switch the visibility of these layers with Quick Action.
- Contour lines
- Terrain. Β (Depending on the layer selected in the Configure Map menu, Hillshade, Slope, or Altitude will be displayed.)
Terrain color scheme
Allows you to select one or more palettes from a list of existing ones, which will change when you tap the button.
Show / Hide
Weather layers
All weather data is presented as separate map layers. With Quick Action you can get quick access to switch the visibility of these layers on the map.
- Precipitation layer
- Cloud layer
- Pressure layer
- Wind layer
- Temperature layer
Weather screen
Android only
Opens the Weather forecast screen with the detailed information.
Show / Hide
Show or hide the favourite points on the map.
Show / Hide
Show or hide the last visible tracks on the map.
Show / Hide
Enable or disable POI layer with selected categories.
- POI Categories: allows to select multiple categories
Note: Action will replace previously selected categories, if POI layer was active before.
Map mode
Quick access to switch between day and night modes.
Map sources
The button allows you to assign a single map source or a list of source that change circularly when tapped or with an interim dialog.
- Show an interim dialog. displays dialog with maps list
- Do not show an interim dialog: map sources will be changed by defined order.
- Displayed Name - 'Map source >'. '>' after the map name indicates what is current selected map source.
- Displayed Name - '> Next map source'. '>' before the map name indciates what is next selected map source if action is executed.
- Note: you could have 1 action to change source and select multiple map sources or many quick actions with 1 map source selected, so you could quickly select the map source just from quick aciton list.
Show / Hide
Public transport
Enable or disable public transport map layer.
- Transport type (on first tap): select one or many options from Transport stops, Bus, trolleybus, and shuttle routes, Tram and train routes, Subway routes.
Create a list of map sources as map overlay and cycle through them.
Note, works similar to Change Map sources
Create a list of map sources as map underlay and cycle through them.
Note, works similar to Change Map sources
Map style
Create a list of map styles for vector maps and cycle through them.
Note: works similar to Map sources (see above)
Show / Hide
Mapillary layer
Allows you to view map layers with street-level imagery provided by Mapillary.
Show / Hide
OSM notes
You can select to display or hide all OSM notes on the map with a single tap on the button.

Map Interactions​

Zoom in
Zooming in the map with simultaneously increasing the amount of data displayed.
Zoom out
Downscaling the map. It is convenient to use with Developer widget - Zoom level.
Map down
You can use the quick action button to move the map down.
Map up
When tapped, the map screen moves up.
Map to the left
When you tap button map screen moves to the left
Map to the right
Whith quick action button you can move the map to the right.
To My location
Moves the map to the My location position.

My Places​

Adds favorite to a selected (center) map location.
- Show an interim dialog: displays confirmation dialog
- Group: adds favorite to a selected group
- Color: adds favorite with a preselected color
- Name: adds favorite with a given name prefix
Track waypoint
Adds a new Track waypoint to currently recording track or to any track from My Places.
- Show an interim dialog: displays confirmation dialog
- Group: adds favorite to a selected group
- Color: adds favorite with a preselected color
- Name: adds favorite with a given name prefix
Map marker
Adds marker to a selected (center) map location.
Parking place
Adds parking to a selected (center) map location. Old parking position is deleted.
Adds POI to a selected (center) map location map (same as context menu action).
- Show an interim dialog: displays confirmation dialog
- POI type (optional): preselect OSM type
- Tag/Value (multiple): add OpenStreetMap tags / values
OSM Note
Adds OSM note
- Show an interim dialog: displays confirmation dialog
- Message: adds default message to the note
Media notes
Starts audio / photo / video note recording for a selected (center) map location.
New route
Android only
Opening of Plan a route tool and creation a route for a selected (center) map location.
First intermediate
You can select the center of the map screen as the first intermediate point. The previous destination remains the same.
Turn On / Off
Voice prompts
Mute or unmute voice guidance during navigation.
Start point
Mark a selected (center) map location as a point of departure.
Add a selected (center) map location as a destination. Previous destination becomes last intermediate point.
Set / Replace a selected (center) map location as a destination. Previous destination is deleted.
Turn On /Off
Auto-zoom map
Enable or disable map auto zoom during navigation.
Start navigation (if there is a destination point present) or stop navigation.
Pause / Resume
Pause / Resume navigation.
Next destination point
Removes next intermediate point, if present, otherwise removes destination and displays finish navigation dialog. Action is inactive if you don't have any destination.
Location by GPX
Simulates the location and movement of your device using a GPX track.


App profile
Create a list of application profiles and cycle through them.
- Show an interim dialog: displays dialog with profiles list
- Do not show an interim dialog: profiles will be changed by defined order.
- Note: you could have 1 action with multiple profiles or many actions with 1 profile.
App profile to next
App profile to previous
Display position always in center
Allows you to set the placement of the My Location cursor on the map. Enables or disables the cursor to always be in the center of the screen.

Use Keyboard for Actions​

⚠️ Android only
This feature is currently not available for the iOS version of the OsmAnd app.

Menu β†’ Settings β†’ Profiles β†’ General settings β†’ External input devices β†’ Type β†’ +

External devices

Using the Quick Action tool's functionality, you can assign required actions to the keys of your external input device. A description can be found in the Interact with Map article.

This article was last updated in August 2024